Wynik MediaWiki API
This is the HTML representation of the JSON format. HTML is good for debugging, but is unsuitable for application use.
Specify the format parameter to change the output format. To see the non-HTML representation of the JSON format, set format=json.
See the complete documentation, or the API help for more information.
{ "languagesearch": { "te": "telugu", "und": "teanga anaithnid", "de": "tedesco", "goh": "tedesco antico alto", "de-at": "tedesco austriaco", "pdc": "tedesco della pennsylvania", "gmh": "tedesco medio alto", "pfl": "tedesco palatino", "sli": "tedesco slesiano", "gsw": "tedesco svizzero", "sgn": "tekenspraken", "tem": "temne", "teo": "teo", "ter": "tereno", "tet": "tetum", "tw": "tw", "zxx": "teangeola\u00edoch \u2014 gan \u00e1bhar teangeola\u00edoch", "ase": "teckenspr\u00e5k \u2014 amerikanskt teckenspr\u00e5k", "de-ch": "tedesco \u2014 alto tedesco svizzero", "nds": "tedesco \u2014 basso tedesco", "nds-nl": "tedesco \u2014 basso tedesco olandese", "es-419": "temrikt \u2014 taspanit n temrikt tala\u1e6dinit", "tzm": "tengah \u2014 tamazight atlas tengah" } }