Administrative promise

Z Encyklopedia Administracji Publicznej

ADMINISTRATIVE PROMISE – a specific administrative act in which a public administration body obliges itself towards a specific recipient to specific behaviour in the future. Issuance of an a.p. is a “self-binding” of the administration’s body with its findings. The content of the a.p. is also binding to its addressee. If the addressee meets the conditions or takes the action specified in the a.p., he will be sure that in the future the given legal relationship will be settled his/her way. As a rule, the issuance of the a.p. is preceded by an → administrative decision enabling the realization of the final intention of the addressee. A type of the a.p. is a promise (Polish promesa) – usually available in the regulations of economic law. Through the promise, the granting of the license for conducting business activity is subjected to meeting conditions of performing such activity. The issuance of an entry visa for repatriation to a person who does not have a residence and maintenance resources in Poland but meets other requirements of the Repatriation Act, is also an a.p [ E. Sękowska-Grodzicka ].

Literature: J. Zimmermann, Prawo administracyjne [Administrative law], Warszawa 2012.
