Local law, local law acts

Z Encyklopedia Administracji Publicznej

LOCAL LAW, LOCAL LAW ACTS – the source of the universally binding law of the Republic of Poland in the area of activities of the bodies that set them up (constitutional principle). As l.l.a. one should understand provisions applicable in part of the territory of the Republic of Poland issued on the basis of statutory authorization by the bodies authorized to do so, i.e. local-government bodies and local government administration bodies. In the hierarchy, the sources of law are located in: the Constitution, the ratified agreement, the Act, the ratified international agreements and ordinances. From the point of view of the l.l.a.’s subjective criterion these are acts established by municipal self-government bodies, county self-government bodies, voivodship self-government bodies, a voivode and local non-joint administrative bodies. From the point of view of the legal basis, the following are distinguished: acts containing statutes (municipalities, counties, voivodships), acts containing executive provisions and acts containing order regulations. The latter due to the subject of regulation may take the form of a warrant or prohibition of specific behaviour related to the need to protect the life, health or property of citizens, protect the environment or ensure peace and public safety L.l.a. most often occur in the form of resolutions and orders. (→ local law acts adopted by the municipality; local law acts adopted by the county; local law acts adopted by the self-government voivodship; local law acts adopted by the local bodies of the government administration) [ E. Szulc-Wałecka ].

Literature: B. Dolnicki, Samorząd terytorialny [Local government], Warszawa 2009 ■ M. Kulesza, H. Izdebski, Administracja publiczna: zagadnienia ogólne [Public administration: general issues], Warszawa 2004.
