Modernisation of public administration

Z Encyklopedia Administracji Publicznej

MODERNISATION OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION – legal, organisational and structural actions aimed at increasing the quality, timeliness, efficiency and effectiveness of public services for the benefit of citizens. The aim of modernisation activities is to constantly increase citizens’ satisfaction with the quality of tasks provided by public administration and to build public trust in the state and its institutions. In the economic dimension m.p.a. focused on optimizing the way of performing tasks should result in lowering and optimizing the costs of functioning of public administration, while maintaining (or increasing) quality and timeliness. M.p.a. results to a large extent from the increasing diversification of social needs and expectations that cause and even force, high specialisation of public institutions involved in their implementation. The term “modernisation” is ambiguous in its meaning. According to theoretical assumptions appropriate for political science, this is a historically conditioned process of shaping and spreading attributes considered as signs of modernity, taking place through a gradual, increasing nearing of the society in a deliberate, purposeful and planned way to a recognized model, usually a model of some existing society considered modern. The changes taking place happen under the influence of an impulse, they are irreversible and inevitable, and the modernisation processes lead to the improvement of the effectiveness and efficiency of the implementation of individual public services. Modernisation is identified with development and progress, i.e. with a growing and beneficial change [ K. Mroczka ].

Literature: M. Grotkowski, Zmiany podmiotowe jako element modernizacji administracji publicznej we współczesnej Polsce [Subject changes as an element of modernization of public administration in contemporary Poland], doctoral dissertation prepared at the Department of Journalism and Political Sciences of the University of Warsaw, Warszawa 2014 ■ K. Mroczka, Wyzwania modernizacyjne służby cywilnej w Polsce [Modernization challenges of the civil service in Poland], „Rocznik Administracji Publicznej” 2016, no. 2 ■ P. Sztompka, Socjologia [Sociology], Kraków 2002.
