Municipality’s auxiliary unit

Z Encyklopedia Administracji Publicznej

MUNICIPALITY’S AUXILIARY UNIT – a separated part of the area of the → municipality, the territorial community of the inhabitants in the area separated by the auxiliary division of the municipality’s territory – made by a resolution of the municipality council. The purpose of such a division is to improve the functioning of the municipality (mun.) in carrying out its public tasks. It may be made at the request of the inhabitants or at the initiative of the authorities of local government units. In terms of naming the units, the law grants the municipality great freedom – the municipality council through the division, creates: → parishes, → districts, → housing estates, towns located in the municipality’s territory, but also units under another name, e.g., an area (freedom makes it possible, for example, to create a parish in a city). The law, however, specifies the matters regarding the authority bodies. The detailed regulations concerning the functioning of auxiliary units are determined by the mun. council in the form of a statute-giving resolution, after consultation with the inhabitants [ M. Sidor ].

Literature: B. Matyjaszczyk, Jednostki pomocnicze gminy – analiza uregulowań prawnych [Municipality’s auxiliary units - analysis of legal regulations], Pracownia Badań i Innowacji Społecznych Stocznia; [online]
