
Z Encyklopedia Administracji Publicznej

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STATEMENT – this concept has many meanings, in the administrative and legal context it means, inter alia, a type of citizen’s actions in dealing with the administration. S. may refer to the confirmation of certain facts or legal status – in this case it is filed by a citizen before the administrative body in → administrative proceedings (evidence), under pain of responsibility for false statements. S. may be filed if the law does not require official confirmation of certain facts or legal status in the form of a certificate issued by an administrative body. The scope of the application of s. in the Polish administration in place of certificates has been significantly expanded by the Act of 2011 on the reduction of administrative barriers for citizens and entrepreneurs. The right of the citizen to choose between submitting a statement or presenting a certificate issued by an administration body was introduced. S. can replace, among others, certificates: about earnings, about not being in arears with payments to the tax office and ZUS, about clean criminal record. Therefore, the legislator allows the possibility of using both forms (statements and certificates) interchangeably, and the ban on the administration’s request for unnecessary certificates has become a statutory prohibition [ A. Mirska ].

Literature: E. Ochendowski, Postępowanie administracyjne: ogólne, egzekucyjne i sądowoadministracyjne, Toruń 2014.
