Cabinet council

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CABINET COUNCIL – Polish constitutional body convened by the President of the Republic of Poland to discuss matters of particular importance to the state. C.c. consists of members of the council of ministers sitting under the leadership of the President of the Republic of Poland, however, it has no competence and there is no possibility of making binding decisions. C.c. has rather supportive nature and initiating the government’s work by the president. During the small constitution of the Republic of Poland (1992-1997), the president had a special right to chair the meetings of the council of ministers on particularly important matters. Although the positions presented during c.c. and the arrangements made thereon are not legally binding, they have significant political value and may later have political consequences. In this way, the President of the Republic of Poland may initiate government actions and point out important problems in certain areas. It can also agree on a common strategy with the council of ministers [ E. Zielińska ].

Literature: B. Opaliński, Rozdzielenie kompetencji władzy wykonawczej między Prezydenta RP oraz Radę Ministrów na tle Konstytucji Rzeczpospolitej Polskiej z 1997 roku, Warszawa 2012.
