
Asystent wójta/burmistrza/prezydenta miasta, starosty, marszałka województwa/1/en

Z Encyklopedia Administracji Publicznej

ASSISTANT TO THE VILLAGE MAYOR/MAYOR/PRESIDENT OF THE CITY, STAROST, VOIVODSHIP MARSHAL – until September 2017, a position in local-government units, introduced by the Act of 2008 on local-government employees as a separate category (assistants and → advisers), only in municipality offices, county starost offices and marshal offices (currently liquidated). It was a position with special authority – although the Act did not specify the scope of duties that may be entrusted to an a. It was recognised that his/her basic task is the substantive, and above all organisational support of the village mayor/mayor/president of the city, starost or voivodship marshal. In relation to the group of employed assistants and advisers, the informal term “political cabinet” was used. They were employed for the duration of the term of office of the village mayor/mayor/president of the city, starost or voivodship marshal, respectively. The number of employees of this character was limited – there was a total limit for both types of posts in a given office. A. were employed under a contract of employment. Principles other employees of local government were obliged to observe, like preparation service, taking an oath, obtaining a periodic assessment or prohibition of performing activities that are in conflict with the position held, did not apply to the position of an a [ P. Antkowiak ].
