
Z Encyklopedia Administracji Publicznej

TRANSPARENCY – one of the features of → good governance, understood as making decisions and their execution (governance) in an open and transparent manner, in accordance with applicable laws and procedures. This includes matters of both openness and clarity of functioning of public authorities: access to information (documents); knowledge about how to make decisions and who makes them; intelligibility of the decision-making procedure, e.g., a clear division of competence; consultation; obligation to state the premise of somebody’s actions. T. cannot be limited to the issue of access to public information (i.e. for example, making it available in the Public Information Bulletin, or on request of a citizen) – these actions involve openness. In turn, transparency is related to the legibility of this information and clear specification of procedures. T. is also the case, when a given entity publishes information about its property or about the law-making process in such a way that this information is universal, comprehensible to all interested parties and allows for its processing and comparison without specialist knowledge [ E. Zielińska ].

Literature: T. Mering, Pomiar jakości rządzenia (governance) [Measuring the quality of governance], [in:] Nowe idee Zarządzania Publicznego. Wyzwania i dylematy [New ideas of Public Management. Challenges and dilemmas], ed. E.M. Marciniak, J. Szczupaczyński, Warszawa 2017. ■ J. Supernat, Transparentność w funkcjonowaniu instytucji Unii Europejskiej [Transparency in the functioning of the European Union institutions], [in:] Patologie w administracji publicznej [Pathologies in public administration], ed. D. Kijowski, P. Suwaj, Warszawa 2009
