Voivodship marshal
Z Encyklopedia Administracji Publicznej
VOIVODSHIP MARSHAL – the chairman of the collegial executive body (sejmik) in the self-government voivodship. The choice of the v.m. is made during a session of the Sejmik in a separate secret ballot voting from an unlimited number of candidates submitted by the councillors of the voivodship sejmik (the candidate does not have to be a councillor). The competences of the v.m. include the duties of the head of the marshal’s office, the head of the local government employees employed in that office, and the heads of the provincial local-government organisational units. He is not a body of the local-government v. (these are: v. Sejmik and v. board). The v.m. fulfils the duties of the body by issuing individual decisions in matters of public administration. The tasks of the v.m. include: organising the work of the voivodship board and the marshal’s office; performing work in the field of labour law regarding the employees of the marshal’s office and heads of voivodship local-government units; directing the current affairs of the voivodship; exercising direct supervision over the performance of tasks performed by the secretary of the voivodship, treasurer of the voivodship and directors of individual departments of the marshal’s office; representation of local-government voivodship outside, both in relations with other local government units, government administration, and in contacts with local and regional government units of other countries; taking necessary actions belonging to the voivodship board in urgent matters: regarding direct threats to the public interest, directly threatening the health and life and on matters likely to cause material losses; issuing individual decisions in matters of public administration, belonging to the local-government voivodship, unless specific provisions state otherwise (→ voivodship sejmik) [ J. Wojnicki ].
Literature: M. Barański i in., Samorząd terytorialny i wspólnoty lokalne [Local government and local communities], Warszawa 2007 ■ A. Borodo, Samorząd terytorialny: system prawnofinansowy [Local government: the legal and financial system], Warszawa 2008 ■ E. Nowacka, Władza samorządu lokalnego [The power of local government], Warszawa 2012.