Union of the Voivodships of the Republic of Poland

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UNION OF THE VOIVODSHIPS OF THE REPUBLIC OF POLAND – an association of all 16 Polish self-government voivodships, established in 2002 during a meeting of the presidents of the sejmiks and the marshals of the voivodships in Warsaw. The goal of the UVRP is to support the idea of local government, defend common interests of the voivodships and to strive for socio-economic development of Polish voivodships. The activity of the Union has also a lobbying character. The Union’s representatives take part in the works of the → Joint Commission of the Government and Local Government, and also of the Committee of the Regions of the EU and the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe. The supreme authority of the Union is: the General Assembly, a deciding body composed of 64 delegate-representatives of the 16 voivodships (4 persons from each voivodship: the marshal of the voivodship, the president of the sejmik and two councillors); the Executive Board – an executive body composed of the president, three vice-presidents and three members of the Board selected by the General Assembly from among the delegates; the Audit Committee performing control functions (composed of five members selected by the General Assembly from among its members); the Convention of the Marshals of the Voivodships of the Republic of Poland and the Convention of the Presidents of the Sejmiks of the Voivodships of the Republic of Poland as opining and advisory bodies to the UVRP [ M. Jęczarek ].

Literature: A.K. Piasecki, Samorząd terytorialny i wspólnoty lokalne, Warszawa 2009.
