Provisional Chief Economic Council

Z Encyklopedia Administracji Publicznej

Inne języki:
English • ‎polski

PROVISIONAL CHIEF ECONOMIC COUNCIL - (TNRG) ̶ a national representation of economic life proposed by the state factor in the interwar period. In 1925, the government of Władysław Grabski brought a bill on the council to the parliament. It was to be established until the establishment of the permanent → Supreme Chamber of Commerce provided for in the 1921 Constitution (Article 68), which could be created after the organization of regional agricultural, industrial, commercial, craft and wage labor chambers throughout the country - and which was not established. TNRG was modelled on the solutions of the National Economic Council in France. They did not gain recognition in Poland and the TNRG Act was not adopted. [A. Szustek]

Literatura: A. Szustek, Samorząd – samorząd gospodarczy – inne rodzaje samorządu. Siatka pojęciowa, ujęcie teoretyczne i zagadnienia metodologiczne, Warszawa 2017 ■ A. Szustek, Naczelna Izba Gospodarcza, Warszawa 2017.
