State administration
Z Encyklopedia Administracji Publicznej
Wersja z dnia 09:15, 16 maj 2018 autorstwa Administracja (dyskusja | edycje)
STATE ADMINISTRATION – in a subjective sense the state administration is a term covering the whole administrative apparatus of the state within which one can distinguish: → government administration subordinate to the government (e.g., ministries, voivodship offices), and also agencies that have an independent position in the sphere of public law that operate outside the sphere of government administration (like for example the National Broadcasting Council) and segments of administration that provide services to other state authority bodies, like for example the Chancellery of the Sejm and the Chancellery of the Senate, the Chancellery of the President of the Republic of Poland, the Office of the Commissioner for Citizens’ Rights . In an objective sense, the national administration should be understood as an intrumentatium that serves, on the basis of legal regulations, to realize goals through actions of managerial and organisational nature. The reason for its existence is service resulting from its sheer name (Latin ministrare means to serve, to attend). Moreover, its political character can be observed through the actions on behalf of the state and to the state’s account which is never politically neutral (state bodies are responsible for the implementation of policies resulting from the political programme of the ruling majority). Officials employed in this sector are subject to separate official pragmatics, they do not belong to the → civil service corps (→ public administration, official) [ M. Jęczarek ].
Literature: H. Izdebski, M. Kulesza, Administracja publiczna, zagadnienia ogólne [Public administration: general issues], Warszawa 2004 ■ M. Kulesza, D. Sześciło, Polityka administracyjna i zarządzanie publiczne [Administrative policy and public management], Warszawa 2013 ■ P.J. Suwaj, Pojęcie administracji publicznej [The notion of public administration], [in:] Nauka administracji [Theory of administration], ed. B. Kudrycka, B.G. Peters, P.J. Suwaj, Warszawa 2009.