CAF (Common Assessment Framework)
Z Encyklopedia Administracji Publicznej
Wersja z dnia 15:10, 16 maj 2018 autorstwa Administracja (dyskusja | edycje)
CAF (Common Assessment Framework) – a model of comprehensive quality management of public organisations developed by the European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM), the European Institute of Public Administration and higher education institutions with an administrative profile. It is currently the most popular self-assessment model for public organisations in the EU. CAF is based on the assumption that achieving the desired results from activities of the organisation, citizens/consumers, employees and the society depends on the quality of leadership affecting the policy and strategy of employees, interpersonal relationships, resources and processes. According to the CAF, the organisation is subject to simultaneous reviewing from different points of view as part of a comprehensive process of analysing its potential and results of operations. The CAF model includes nine criteria: 1. leadership, 2. strategy and planning, 3. employees, 4. partnership and resources, 5. processes, 6. results in relations with clients/citizens, 7. results in relations with employees, 8. results of social responsibility, 9. key results. The criteria from the first to the fifth regarding the organisation’s potential determine what the organisation deals with and how it approaches results. The sixth to ninth criteria concern the achieved results. For each of the listed criteria there is a list of sub-criteria assigned allowing for a detailed diagnosis of the organisation’s management system and identification of areas for improvement [ T. Strąk ].
Literature: T. Buchacz, S. Wysocki, Zarządzanie jakością w administracji – europejskie wzorce, polskie doświadczenia, [w:] Administracja publiczna. Wyzwania w dobie integracji europejskiej, red. J. Czaputowicz, Warszawa 2008 ■ M. Bugdol, Zarządzanie jakością w urzędach administracji publicznej. Teoria i praktyka, Warszawa 2011 ■ Wspólna Metoda Oceny. Doskonalenie organizacji poprzez samoocenę, KPRM, Warszawa 2013.