Mobility of officials

Z Encyklopedia Administracji Publicznej

Wersja z dnia 13:35, 22 maj 2018 autorstwa Administracja (dyskusja | edycje)
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MOBILITY OF OFFICIALS – substantively justified personnel movements on the official positions within the organisation and among organisations, aimed at increasing the efficiency of functioning of the state. One can distinguish the following aspects of the m.o.: vertical, horizontal, as well as functional or geographical. Vertical mobility is a promotion to a higher position or transition to a lower professional position (also as a result of degradation). In the horizontal aspect, mobility is a change of the workplace while maintaining the same level in the official hierarchy. The functional approach indicates a change in the performed function (scope of responsibilities), while the geographical one refers to the physical place of its performance. In the narrowest sense, m.o. includes personnel movements within the public sector and among its parts (e.g., transfers between the government, local government and state administrations). In a broader sense, the transfer of civil servants among the public sector and the private or non-governmental sectors, as well as the administration of other states or international organisations is also taken into account (→ official) [ Ł. Świetlikowski ].

Literature: W. Betkiewicz, Polski model kariery zawodowej urzędników wyższego szczebla? Próba empirycznego opisu, „Studia Polityczne” 2014, nr 3(35) ■ K. Szczerski, Porządki biurokratyczne, Kraków 2004 ■ Ł. Świetlikowski, Mobilność urzędnicza w ujęciu teoretycznym, „Studia z Polityki Publicznej” 2016, nr 2(10).
