Civil Service Council

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CIVIL SERVICE COUNCIL – an advisory and consultative body by the president of the council of ministers, appointed under that name at the time of establishment of the civil service corps and as the CSC operating in years 1996-2006 and 2008-2015, and in years 2006-2008 and from 2016 as the Public Service Board. Opinioning body in matters related to the civil service (c.s.) presented by the president of the council of ministers, the → head of the civil service or on his own initiative; concerning: the draft of human resources management strategy in the c.s.; the draft budgetary act in the section on the c.s. and the annual implementation of the state budget in this area and the proposed index of remuneration growth rate in the state budget sector in terms of c.s.; the plan of central trainings in the c.s.; ethics of the corps of the c.s.; the draft regulations specifying the work mode of the Higher Disciplinary Commission of the C.S.; the reports by the head of the c.s. In addition, the Council: assesses the course of recruitment procedure in the c.s.; can apply to the head of the c.s. with a request to take a position on matters specified by the Council in the application of the c.s. principles; can apply to the head of the c.s. with a request to take a position on a complaint addressed to the Council by a member of the c.s. corps, or in matters of comments and requests of representatives of trade unions and associations of officials operating within the public administration; it may refer its representative to observe the course of the recruitment procedure at the intermediate level of management in the c.s., and in the case of irregularities in the course of the recruitment procedure, it may turn to the head of the c.s. for ordering a new recruitment procedure. The Council determines the directions of civil service modernization in terms of the changing tasks, needs and expectations of the president of the council of ministers, and in cooperation with the → National School of Public Administration it disseminates the best European standards, patterns and experience in the field of c.s. The Council members, from 2016, perform their functions socially. Previously, the members of the CSC were entitled to remuneration, which gave it the characteristic of a professional body. Currently, the Council has from seven to nine members, they are appointed by the president of the council of ministers from among people whose knowledge, experience and authority give a guarantee of proper implementation of the Council’s tasks. Their term of office lasts four years. (Prior to that, the CSC consisted of fifteen members appointed according to two types of criteria: the term of eight members of the Council, persons whose knowledge, experience and authority guarantee the proper implementation of the Council’s tasks lasted for six years, with the term of office expiring every three years for half the number of members. The term of office of seven members of the Council, representing all parliamentary clubs from among deputies, senators or non-parliamentarians, lasts accordingly to the parliamentary term.) The Council members perform their functions until the appointment of their successors. Membership in the Council expires in the event of the death of a member of the Council and if a member of the Council ceases to be a Polish citizen, does not enjoy full public rights, was sentenced by a final judgment for intentional crime or intentional fiscal offense and in the event of failure to perform the duties of a member of the Council for a period longer than 12 months if the cause is not a long-term illness, confirmed by a medical certificate. The president of the council of ministers dismisses a member of the Council also in the event of his resignation. In the event of termination of membership in the Council or dismissal of a member of the Council before the end of the term of office, the president of the council of ministers shall appoint a new member of the Council for the period up to the end of the current term (→ civil service) [ J. Itrich-Drabarek ].

Literature: J. Itrich-Drabarek, Służba cywilna w Polsce – teoria i praktyka [The Civil Sservice in Poland – theory and practice], Warszawa 2012.
