Inspector General for the Protection of Personal Data

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INSPECTOR GENERAL FOR THE PROTECTION OF PERSONAL DATA (GIODO) – a state administration body dealing with the protection of personal data (p.p.d.). It supervises throught the Office of the Inspector General for Personal Data the entities that deal with the processing of citizens’ data, it conducts educational activities (e.g., by organising scientific conferences) and cooperates with the p.p.d. authorities in other countries and with the European Data Protection Supervisor. It was established in 1997. The Inspector General is appointed by the Sejm with the consent of the Senate for a four-year term, from among Polish citizens without criminal record, permanently residing on the territory of the Republic of Poland, who are distinguished by high moral authority and have a higher education in law and professional experience in the p.p.d. The competence of GIODO includes: control of the compliance of data processing with the provisions of the Act; issuing administrative decisions and examining complaints regarding the implementation of regulations in the field of p.p.d.; keeping a register of data sets and the register of information security administrators, as well as providing information on registered data sets and registered information security administrators; giving opinions on draft normative acts in the field of p.p.d.; initiating and undertaking improvement projects of p.p.d.; participating in the work of international organisations and institutions dealing with p.p.d. If there is a violation of the provisions on the p.p.d., the Inspector General ex officio or at the request of the person concerned, by an administrative decision, orders restoration of the lawful state. If the act is considered to be criminal, GIODO informs the relevant law enforcement authorities. [M. Szczegielniak].

Literature: P. Barta, P. Litwiński, Ustawa o ochronie danych osobowych. Komentarz [The Act on protection of personal data. A commentary], Warszawa 2016 ■ M. Kawecki, Generalny Inspektor Ochrony Danych Osobowych jako centralny organ administracji państwowej [Inspector General for the Protection of Personal Data as a central body of the state administration], „Przegląd Prawa Technologii Informacyjnych. ICT Law Review”2013, no. 1 ■ X. Konarski, G. Sibiga, Organ do spraw ochrony danych osobowych [The body for the protection of personal data], [in:] Prawo reklamy i promocji [The law on advertising and promotion], ed. E. Traple, Warszawa 2007.
