Jolanta Itrich-Drabarek

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Jolanta Itrich-Drabarek – professor of social sciences, political scientist, member of the Council for Scientific Excellence. She worked in public administration, including as an adviser to the President of the Council of Ministers, deputy director of the Office of Social Affairs at the Chancellery of the President of the Republic of Poland, head of advisers to the Minister of agriculture and rural development. Member of the Civil Service Council in years 2012-2016. Author of numerous scientific publications on the status of officials in Poland and in Europe, civil service systems in the EU and in the world, the role and place of public administration in a democratic state, and ethics in the public service. She is the author, co-author and editor of several monographs and articles, including monographs: Uwarunkowania, standardy i kierunki zmian funkcjonowania służby cywilnej w Polsce na tle europejskim (Conditions, standards and directions of changes in the functioning of the civil service in Poland against the European background) (2010); Służba cywilna w Polsce – teoria i praktyka (Civil service in Poland – theory and practice) (2012); Służba cywilna w Europie Środkowo-Wschodniej (Civil service in Central and Eastern Europe) (2013); The Civil Service in Poland – Theory and Experience (2015); Etyka zawodowa funkcjonariuszy służb państwowych (Professional ethics of the state officials) (2016).
