State and official secret

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STATE AND OFFICIAL SECRET – legal terms functioning under the system of → protection of classified information, currently not used in the legal system (abolished in 2011). The state secret was defined as a type of classified information (named on the list attached to the Act), whose unauthorized disclosure could cause a significant threat to the basic interests of the Republic of Poland regarding public order, defence, security, international or economic relations of the state. Official secret was defined as classified information that is not a state secret, obtained in connection with official activities or commissioned work, whose unauthorized disclosure could jeopardize the interest of the state, public interest or the legally protected interest of citizens or the organisational unit [ P. Potejko ].

Literature: J. Larecki, Wielki leksykon służb specjalnych świata: organizacje wywiadu, kontrwywiadu i policji politycznych świata, terminologia profesjonalna i żargon operacyjny, Warszawa 2007 ■ P. Potejko, K. Mordaszewski, Cz. Rybak, A. Gryszczyńska, Klasyfikacja podstaw prawnych obowiązku zachowania tajemnicy, [w:] Jawność i jej ograniczenia, t. VI, Struktura tajemnic, red. A. Gryszczyńska, Warszawa 2016 ■ S. Zalewski, Ochrona informacji niejawnych. Wybrane zagadnienia bezpieczeństwa osobowego, Płock 2014.
