Aleksandra Komar

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Inne języki:
English • ‎polski

Aleksandra Komar – PhD student at the University of Warsaw. She graduated from the University of Warsaw in political science, with specialisation in public administration. She deals with issues of human resources management in public administration and the issue of women in the public sphere. Her publications include: VII Ogólnopolski Kongres Kobiet „Przywództwo kobiet w służbach mundurowych” (7th National Congress of Women “Leadership of women in uniformed services”), Warsaw, 11-12 September 2015, Przegląd Bezpieczeństwa Wewnętrznego (Internal Security Review), 2016, No. 14; Mobbing jako dysfunkcja podmiotów sfery publicznej (Mobbing as a dysfunction of entities in the public sphere), [in:] Etyka sfery publicznej (The ethics of the public sphere), edited by J. Itrich-Drabarek (2017).
