Union of Polish Counties

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UNION OF POLISH COUNTIES (UPCo) – a voluntary nationwide association of counties and cities with county rights, registered in 1999. UPCo continues the tradition of the pre-war organisation operating under that name. The UPCo operates on the basis of the statute, which defines the basic principles of operation, the method of selection and competences of particular authorities, the acquisition and loss of membership, the source of financing of activities and the principles of liquidation. The main objectives of the UPCo’s activities are: supporting the idea of local government, integrating and defending common interests of counties, shaping a common policy, supporting initiatives for the development and promotion of counties, exchange of experience and dissemination of model solutions in the field of development and the county management. UPCo implements its statutory objectives by: initiating and issuing opinions on draft legal acts relating to local governments, cooperation with public administration bodies, associations, other social organisations and scientific communities, and exchange of experience in the field of counties’ own tasks and government administration tasks, undertaking joint initiatives for the social and economic development of county communities, international scientific and cultural exchange, information and training activities, delegating their representatives to other organisations and institutions. UPCo represents the interests of counties on the national forum through participation in the works of the → Joint Commission of the Government and Local Government, in teams, committees and commissions operating at public institutions, and cooperation with the Centre for Studies in Local Government and Development at the University of Warsaw. At the international level, it participates in the work of the EU Committee of the Regions, the Council of European Municipalities and Regions, the European Confederation of Local Intermediate Authorities (CEPLI), the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of Europe (CLRAE) – in the Local Authority Chamber. The UPCo’s bodies are: the General Assembly (the highest body), the Management Board (represents the UPCo outside and is responsible for the day-to-day handling of cases), the Audit Commission (the body controlling the compliance of the Union bodies’ activities and budget spending) and the 16 county conventions (local organisational units representing the counties’ interests at voivodship level) [ A. Bejma ].
