
Akty prawa miejscowego stanowione przez gminę/1/en: Różnice pomiędzy wersjami

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(Utworzono nową stronę "'''LOCAL LAW ACTS ADOPTED BY THE COUNTY'''– regulations in force in the county issued on the basis of statutory authorization by the bodies authorized to do so, i.e. c...")
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'''LOCAL LAW ACTS ADOPTED BY THE COUNTY'''– regulations in force in the county issued on the basis of statutory authorization by the bodies authorized to do so, i.e. county local government (→ [;_akty_prawa_miejscowego local law]). The county self-government has law-making powers, which relate primarily to the creation of l.l.a. The county council constitutes the l.l.a. applicable in the county area, based on and within the limits of the authorizations contained in the statutes – which means that they require explicit authorization contained in the act. Local law is made by the county council in the form of resolutions, unless the statutes provide otherwise. Depending on the criterion adopted, the following types of county l.l.a. may be distinguished: executive acts issued on the basis of specific legislation; acts issued on the basis of a general clause; acts issued by the county council; acts issued by the county board; local regulations for the implementation of laws; constitutional and organisational acts; orderly regulations. The county council issues acts concerning, in particular: matters requiring regulation in the statute; a special mode of managing the county’s property; rules and mode of using county facilities and public utilities. In addition, in particularly justified cases, to the extent not regulated separately or not regulated by other generally applicable regulations, the county council issues acts regarding law and order related to the need to protect life, health or property of citizens, environmental protection or ensuring order, peace and public safety. However, these regulations are provided by the county council when the reasons justifying their release occur in the area of more than one municipality. In the order regulations issued by the county, a fine may be foreseen for violation thereof, which is imposed in accordance with the procedure and rules specified in the law on offenses. Exceptionally, in urgent cases, the order regulations can also be issued by the executive body – the county board, in a form of an ordinance. However, the continuation of such an ordinance requires approval by the county council. L.l.a. established by the county are subject to publication in the voivodship official journal. (→ [ publication of local law acts])  
'''LOCAL LAW ACTS ADOPTED BY THE MUNICIPALITY''' – provisions in force in the municipality issued on the basis of statutory authorization by the bodies authorized to do so, i.e. the bodies of the municipal local government (→ [;_akty_prawa_miejscowego local law]). Municipality bodies have the right to establish l.l.a. and legal acts that do not contain generally applicable provisions within the limits of their competence and in accordance with the delegation resulting from higher-level acts. L.l.a. have universally binding force, and the scope of their application is territorially limited to the area of a given municipality. Local law is provided by the municipality council in the form of resolutions based on statutory authorizations. The municipality council adopts regulations concerning: the internal system of the municipality and auxiliary units; organisation of municipal offices and institutions; rules of management of the municipal property; rules and mode of using municipal facilities and public utilities; order matters related to the need to protect life, peace and public safety. In situations necessary to protect life, health or property and to ensure order, peace and public safety, to the extent not regulated by laws or other generally applicable regulations, the municipal council may issue order regulations that may stipulate a fine for their violation, imposed in the mode and under the terms of the law on offenses. Exceptionally, in urgent cases, the regulations may be issued by the executive body – the village mayor/mayor/president of the city in the form of an ordinance. The continuation of this ordinance depends on the approval during the nearest session of the municipality council, otherwise it loses its power. L.l.a. established by the municipality are subject to publication in the voivodship official journal. (→ [ publication of local law acts]) [ [ S. Kozłowski] ].
[ [ S. Kozłowski] ].

Aktualna wersja na dzień 15:17, 16 maj 2018

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Tekst źródłowy komunikatu (Akty prawa miejscowego stanowione przez gminę)
'''AKTY PRAWA MIEJSCOWEGO STANOWIONE PRZEZ GMINĘ''' – przepisy obowiązujące na terenie gminy wydane na podstawie upoważnienia ustawowego przez organy do tego uprawnione, tj. organy gminnego samorządu terytorialnego (→ [;_akty_prawa_miejscowego prawo miejscowe]). Organom gminy przysługuje prawo stanowienia a.p.m. oraz aktów prawnych niezawierających przepisów powszechnie obowiązujących w granicach posiadanych kompetencji i zgodnie z delegacją wynikającą z aktów wyższego rzędu. A.p.m. mają moc powszechnie obowiązującą, a zasięg ich obowiązywania jest terytorialnie ograniczony do obszaru danej gminy. Prawo miejscowe jest stanowione przez radę gminy w formie uchwał na podstawie upoważnień ustawowych. Rada gminy uchwala przepisy dotyczące: wewnętrznego ustroju gminy oraz jednostek pomocniczych; organizacji urzędów i instytucji gminnych; zasad zarządu mieniem gminy; zasad i trybu korzystania z gminnych obiektów i urządzeń użyteczności publicznej; spraw porządkowych związanych z koniecznością ochrony życia, spokoju i bezpieczeństwa publicznego. W sytuacjach niezbędnych do ochrony życia, zdrowia lub mienia oraz w celu zapewnienia porządku, spokoju i bezpieczeństwa publicznego, w zakresie nieuregulowanym w ustawach lub innych przepisach powszechnie obowiązujących rada gminy może wydawać przepisy porządkowe, które mogą przewidywać karę grzywny za ich naruszenie, wymierzaną w trybie i na zasadach określonych w prawie o wykroczeniach. Wyjątkowo, w przypadkach niecierpiących zwłoki, przepisy porządkowe może wydawać organ wykonawczy – wójt/burmistrz/prezydent miasta, w formie zarządzenia. Dalsze obowiązywanie takiego zarządzenia uzależnione jest od zatwierdzenia na najbliższej sesji rady gminy, w przeciwnym przypadku traci ono moc. A.p.m. stanowione przez gminę podlegają opublikowaniu w wojewódzkim dzienniku urzędowym. (→ [ ogłaszanie aktów prawa miejscowego]) [ [ S. Kozłowski] ].
Tłumaczenie'''LOCAL LAW ACTS ADOPTED BY THE MUNICIPALITY''' – provisions in force in the municipality issued on the basis of statutory authorization by the bodies authorized to do so, i.e. the bodies of the municipal local government (→ [;_akty_prawa_miejscowego local law]). Municipality bodies have the right to establish l.l.a. and legal acts that do not contain generally applicable provisions within the limits of their competence and in accordance with the delegation resulting from higher-level acts. L.l.a. have universally binding force, and the scope of their application is territorially limited to the area of a given municipality. Local law is provided by the municipality council in the form of resolutions based on statutory authorizations. The municipality council adopts regulations concerning: the internal system of the municipality and auxiliary units; organisation of municipal offices and institutions; rules of management of the municipal property; rules and mode of using municipal facilities and public utilities; order matters related to the need to protect life, peace and public safety. In situations necessary to protect life, health or property and to ensure order, peace and public safety, to the extent not regulated by laws or other generally applicable regulations, the municipal council may issue order regulations that may stipulate a fine for their violation, imposed in the mode and under the terms of the law on offenses. Exceptionally, in urgent cases, the regulations may be issued by the executive body – the village mayor/mayor/president of the city in the form of an ordinance. The continuation of this ordinance depends on the approval during the nearest session of the municipality council, otherwise it loses its power. L.l.a. established by the municipality are subject to publication in the voivodship official journal. (→ [ publication of local law acts]) [ [ S. Kozłowski] ].

LOCAL LAW ACTS ADOPTED BY THE MUNICIPALITY – provisions in force in the municipality issued on the basis of statutory authorization by the bodies authorized to do so, i.e. the bodies of the municipal local government (→ local law). Municipality bodies have the right to establish l.l.a. and legal acts that do not contain generally applicable provisions within the limits of their competence and in accordance with the delegation resulting from higher-level acts. L.l.a. have universally binding force, and the scope of their application is territorially limited to the area of a given municipality. Local law is provided by the municipality council in the form of resolutions based on statutory authorizations. The municipality council adopts regulations concerning: the internal system of the municipality and auxiliary units; organisation of municipal offices and institutions; rules of management of the municipal property; rules and mode of using municipal facilities and public utilities; order matters related to the need to protect life, peace and public safety. In situations necessary to protect life, health or property and to ensure order, peace and public safety, to the extent not regulated by laws or other generally applicable regulations, the municipal council may issue order regulations that may stipulate a fine for their violation, imposed in the mode and under the terms of the law on offenses. Exceptionally, in urgent cases, the regulations may be issued by the executive body – the village mayor/mayor/president of the city in the form of an ordinance. The continuation of this ordinance depends on the approval during the nearest session of the municipality council, otherwise it loses its power. L.l.a. established by the municipality are subject to publication in the voivodship official journal. (→ publication of local law acts) [ S. Kozłowski ].
