
Akty prawa miejscowego stanowione przez samorządowe województwo/1/en: Różnice pomiędzy wersjami

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(Utworzono nową stronę "'''LOCAL LAW ACTS ADOPTED BY THE SELF-GOVERNMENT VOIVODSHIP''' – provisions in force in the voivodship issued on the basis of statutory authorization by the bodies aut...")
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'''LOCAL LAW ACTS ADOPTED BY THE SELF-GOVERNMENT VOIVODSHIP''' – provisions in force in the voivodship issued on the basis of statutory authorization by the bodies authorized to do so, i.e. the bodies of the voivodship self-government (→ [;_akty_prawa_miejscowego local law]). L.l.a. established by the voivodship are valid in the area of the voivodship or its part. The competent authority to issue them is the → voivodship sejmik on the basis and within the limits of the authorizations included in the acts. L.l.a. are established by the voivodship sejmik in the form of resolutions. The sejmik creates the law within the scope of matters: requiring regulation in the statute of the voivodship; the budget of the voivodship; taxes and fees specified in other acts; principles of managing the voivodship’s assets as well as the rules and mode of using voivodship facilities and public utilities. The voivodship’s bodies have no competence in establishing order regulations, which distinguishes them from the municipality and county. The rules and mode of announcing l.l.a. by the voivodship is determined by the act. L.l.a. established by the voivodship are subject to publication in the voivodship official journal (→ [ądowej local law acts adopted by the local bodies of the government administration]; [ publication of local law acts] ) [ [ S. Kozłowski] ].
'''LOCAL LAW ACTS ADOPTED BY THE SELF-GOVERNMENT VOIVODSHIP''' – provisions in force in the voivodship issued on the basis of statutory authorization by the bodies authorized to do so, i.e. the bodies of the voivodship self-government (→ [;_akty_prawa_miejscowego local law]). L.l.a. established by the voivodship are valid in the area of the voivodship or its part. The competent authority to issue them is the → voivodship sejmik on the basis and within the limits of the authorizations included in the acts. L.l.a. are established by the voivodship sejmik in the form of resolutions. The sejmik creates the law within the scope of matters: requiring regulation in the statute of the voivodship; the budget of the voivodship; taxes and fees specified in other acts; principles of managing the voivodship’s assets as well as the rules and mode of using voivodship facilities and public utilities. The voivodship’s bodies have no competence in establishing order regulations, which distinguishes them from the municipality and county. The rules and mode of announcing l.l.a. by the voivodship is determined by the act. L.l.a. established by the voivodship are subject to publication in the voivodship official journal (→ [ądowej local law acts adopted by the local bodies of the government administration]; [ publication of local law acts] ) [ [ S. Kozłowski] ].

Aktualna wersja na dzień 15:48, 16 maj 2018

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Tekst źródłowy komunikatu (Akty prawa miejscowego stanowione przez samorządowe województwo)
'''AKTY PRAWA MIEJSCOWEGO STANOWIONE PRZEZ SAMORZĄDOWE WOJEWÓDZTWO''' – przepisy obowiązujące na terenie województwa wydane na podstawie upoważnienia ustawowego przez organy do tego uprawnione, tj. organy wojewódzkiego samorządu terytorialnego (→ [;_akty_prawa_miejscowego prawo miejscowe]). A.p.m. stanowione przez województwo obowiązują na obszarze województwa lub jego części. Organem właściwym do ich wydawania jest → sejmik województwa na podstawie i w granicach upoważnień zawartych w ustawach. A.p.m. są stanowione przez sejmik województwa w formie uchwał. Sejmik tworzy prawo w zakresie spraw: wymagających uregulowania w statucie województwa; budżetu województwa; podatków i opłat określonych w innych ustawach; zasad gospodarowania mieniem województwa oraz zasad i trybu korzystania z wojewódzkich obiektów i urządzeń użyteczności publicznej. Organy województwa nie mają kompetencji w zakresie stanowienia przepisów porządkowych, co odróżnia je od gminy i powiatu. Zasady oraz tryb ogłaszania a.p.m. przez województwo określa ustawa. A.p.m. stanowione przez województwo podlegają opublikowaniu w wojewódzkim dzienniku urzędowym (→ [ądowejakty prawa miejscowego stanowione przez terenowe organy administracji rządowej]; [ ogłaszanie aktów prawa miejscowego]) [ [ S. Kozłowski] ].
Tłumaczenie'''LOCAL LAW ACTS ADOPTED BY THE SELF-GOVERNMENT VOIVODSHIP''' – provisions in force in the voivodship issued on the basis of statutory authorization by the bodies authorized to do so, i.e. the bodies of the voivodship self-government (→ [;_akty_prawa_miejscowego local law]). L.l.a. established by the voivodship are valid in the area of the voivodship or its part. The competent authority to issue them is the → voivodship sejmik on the basis and within the limits of the authorizations included in the acts. L.l.a. are established by the voivodship sejmik in the form of resolutions. The sejmik creates the law within the scope of matters: requiring regulation in the statute of the voivodship; the budget of the voivodship; taxes and fees specified in other acts; principles of managing the voivodship’s assets as well as the rules and mode of using voivodship facilities and public utilities. The voivodship’s bodies have no competence in establishing order regulations, which distinguishes them from the municipality and county. The rules and mode of announcing l.l.a. by the voivodship is determined by the act. L.l.a. established by the voivodship are subject to publication in the voivodship official journal (→ [ądowej local law acts adopted by the local bodies of the government administration]; [ publication of local law acts] ) [ [ S. Kozłowski] ].

LOCAL LAW ACTS ADOPTED BY THE SELF-GOVERNMENT VOIVODSHIP – provisions in force in the voivodship issued on the basis of statutory authorization by the bodies authorized to do so, i.e. the bodies of the voivodship self-government (→ local law). L.l.a. established by the voivodship are valid in the area of the voivodship or its part. The competent authority to issue them is the → voivodship sejmik on the basis and within the limits of the authorizations included in the acts. L.l.a. are established by the voivodship sejmik in the form of resolutions. The sejmik creates the law within the scope of matters: requiring regulation in the statute of the voivodship; the budget of the voivodship; taxes and fees specified in other acts; principles of managing the voivodship’s assets as well as the rules and mode of using voivodship facilities and public utilities. The voivodship’s bodies have no competence in establishing order regulations, which distinguishes them from the municipality and county. The rules and mode of announcing l.l.a. by the voivodship is determined by the act. L.l.a. established by the voivodship are subject to publication in the voivodship official journal (→ local law acts adopted by the local bodies of the government administration; publication of local law acts ) [ S. Kozłowski ].
