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GOVERNMENT ADMINISTRATION – term used since the period of the second Polish Republic (with the exception of the years 1950 – 1990) with reference to the basic part of the state administration (understood, in the context of a broader concept of → [ public administration], as the centralised public authority apparatus), which is led by the Council of Ministers, and the head of its employees is the President of the Council of Ministers. G.a. is  divided into central (→ [ central administration]) and territorial. In terms of the subjective approach the bodies of the central g.a. are: the Council of Ministers, Ministers leading specific government administration departments (these departments, as task and competence groups are specified in the g.a. department act; at present there are 32 departments: from public administration to inland waterway transport; → [ł_administracji_rządowej government administration departments]) and central offices leaders, who are directly subordinate to the President of the Council of Ministers or the Minister managing the relevant g.a. department, or supervised by them. Territorial g.a.  is divided into joint and non-joint. In the voivodship the head of the joint g.a. and at the same time its body is the voivode, who in the Polish Constitution is depicted as the representative of the Council of Ministers in the voivodship. The position of the voivode is described precisely in act on voivodes and g.a. in voivodships. In particular the following bodies are part of the joint g.a.: regional school superintendent, the Voivodship Conservator and heads of voivodship service units, inspection and guards (police, fire service and inspections, such as sanitary, veterinary or construction supervision) – some of these services, inspection and guards at the county level (police, fire service, sanitary inspection, inspection of construction supervision), while remaining part of the g.a., as district services, inspections and  guards are subordinate to the starost as statutorily specified. In principle, in the voivodship the bodies of the joint g.a. do not have their own apparatus (offices) and are supported by the voivodship office, which serves the voivode. The non-joint g.a. is comprised of the territorial g.a. bodies subordinate to the relevant minister or g.a. central body, and legal public entity managers and leaders of other public organisational units performing g.a. tasks in the voivodship. These are, for example, the directors of tax chambers along with heads of tax and customs offices, mining authorities, statistical office directors, and regional directors of environmental protection offices. The central and territorial g.a. offices are staffed by members of the → [łużba_cywilna scivil service], headed by the President of the Council of Ministers. The current wording of the civil service act, established since 2015, due to the special status of persons holding high positions in the service does not fully meet the objective existence of the civil service as defined in the Constitution, as the professional, honest, impartial and politically neutral execution of state tasks. In terms of the objective (functional) approach, the scope of g.a. matters includes matters lying within the scope of territorial g.a. bodies, as well as matters statutorily passed as → [ tasks assigned] to bodies→ [ąd_terytorialny local government]. Local government bodies, in compliance with principles of law, can take over from g.a. territorial bodies specific tasks (→ [ entrusted tasks]) [ [ H. Izdebski] ].
'''GOVERNMENT ADMINISTRATION''' – term used since the period of the second Polish Republic (with the exception of the years 1950 – 1990) with reference to the basic part of the state administration (understood, in the context of a broader concept of → [ public administration], as the centralised public authority apparatus), which is led by the Council of Ministers, and the head of its employees is the President of the Council of Ministers. G.a. is  divided into central (→ [ central administration]) and territorial. In terms of the subjective approach the bodies of the central g.a. are: the Council of Ministers, Ministers leading specific government administration departments (these departments, as task and competence groups are specified in the g.a. department act; at present there are 32 departments: from public administration to inland waterway transport; → [ł_administracji_rządowej government administration departments]) and central offices leaders, who are directly subordinate to the President of the Council of Ministers or the Minister managing the relevant g.a. department, or supervised by them. Territorial g.a.  is divided into joint and non-joint. In the voivodship the head of the joint g.a. and at the same time its body is the voivode, who in the Polish Constitution is depicted as the representative of the Council of Ministers in the voivodship. The position of the voivode is described precisely in act on voivodes and g.a. in voivodships. In particular the following bodies are part of the joint g.a.: regional school superintendent, the Voivodship Conservator and heads of voivodship service units, inspection and guards (police, fire service and inspections, such as sanitary, veterinary or construction supervision) – some of these services, inspection and guards at the county level (police, fire service, sanitary inspection, inspection of construction supervision), while remaining part of the g.a., as district services, inspections and  guards are subordinate to the starost as statutorily specified. In principle, in the voivodship the bodies of the joint g.a. do not have their own apparatus (offices) and are supported by the voivodship office, which serves the voivode. The non-joint g.a. is comprised of the territorial g.a. bodies subordinate to the relevant minister or g.a. central body, and legal public entity managers and leaders of other public organisational units performing g.a. tasks in the voivodship. These are, for example, the directors of tax chambers along with heads of tax and customs offices, mining authorities, statistical office directors, and regional directors of environmental protection offices. The central and territorial g.a. offices are staffed by members of the → [łużba_cywilna civil service], headed by the President of the Council of Ministers. The current wording of the civil service act, established since 2015, due to the special status of persons holding high positions in the service does not fully meet the objective existence of the civil service as defined in the Constitution, as the professional, honest, impartial and politically neutral execution of state tasks. In terms of the objective (functional) approach, the scope of g.a. matters includes matters lying within the scope of territorial g.a. bodies, as well as matters statutorily passed as → [ tasks assigned] to bodies→ [ąd_terytorialny local government]. Local government bodies, in compliance with principles of law, can take over from g.a. territorial bodies specific tasks (→ [ entrusted tasks]) [ [ H. Izdebski] ].

Aktualna wersja na dzień 11:54, 16 maj 2018

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Tekst źródłowy komunikatu (Administracja rządowa)
'''ADMINISTRACJA RZĄDOWA''' – występujące od okresu II Rzeczypospolitej (z wyjątkiem lat 1950–1990) określenie podstawowej części administracji państwowej (rozumianej, w ramach szerszego pojęcia → [ administracji publicznej], jako scentralizowany aparat władzy publicznej), która jest kierowana przez radę ministrów, a zwierzchnikiem jej pracowników jest prezes rady ministrów. A.rz. dzieli się na centralną (→ [ administracja centralna]) i terenową. W ujęciu podmiotowym organami centralnej a.rz. są: rada ministrów, ministrowie kierujący określonymi działami a.rz. (działy te, jako zespoły zadań i kompetencji, są określone w ustawie o działach a.rz.; obecnie są 32 działy: od administracji publicznej do żeglugi śródlądowej; → [ł_administracji_rządowej działy administracji rządowej]) i kierownicy urzędów centralnych, albo podlegli bezpośrednio prezesowi rady ministrów bądź ministrowi kierującemu odpowiednim działem a.rz., albo przez nich nadzorowani. Terenowa a.rz. dzieli się na zespoloną i niezespoloną. Zwierzchnikiem a.rz. zespolonej i jednocześnie organem tej administracji w województwie jest → [ wojewoda], którego Konstytucja RP określa jako przedstawiciela rady ministrów w województwie; pozycję wojewody precyzuje ustawa o wojewodzie i a.rz. w województwie. Do organów a.rz. zespolonej w województwie należą w szczególności: wojewódzki kurator oświaty, wojewódzki konserwator zabytków oraz kierownicy wojewódzkich służb, inspekcji i straży (policji, państwowej straży pożarnej i inspekcji, takich jak sanitarna, weterynaryjna czy nadzoru budowlanego) – niektóre z tych służb, inspekcji i straży na szczeblu powiatu (policja, państwowa straż pożarna, inspekcja sanitarna, inspekcja nadzoru budowlanego), pozostając częścią a.rz., jako powiatowe służby, inspekcje i straże podlegają w ustawowo określonym zakresie staroście. Zasadniczo organy administracji zespolonej w województwie nie mają własnego aparatu pomocniczego (urzędów) i są obsługiwane przez urząd wojewódzki będący aparatem pomocniczym wojewody. Niezespoloną a.rz. tworzą terenowe organy a.rz. podporządkowane właściwemu ministrowi lub centralnemu organowi a.rz. oraz kierownicy państwowych osób prawnych i kierownicy innych państwowych jednostek organizacyjnych wykonujących zadania z zakresu a.rz. w województwie; są to, przykładowo, dyrektorzy izb administracji skarbowej wraz z naczelnikami urzędów skarbowych i urzędów celno-skarbowych, dyrektorzy urzędów górniczych, dyrektorzy urzędów statystycznych i regionalni dyrektorzy ochrony środowiska. W urzędach a.rz. (centralnych i terenowych) działa korpus → [łużba_cywilna służby cywilnej], którego zwierzchnikiem jest prezes rady ministrów. Obecne brzmienie ustawy o służbie cywilnej, ustalone od 2015 r., ze względu na szczególny status osób zajmujących wyższe stanowiska w służbie nie w pełni odpowiada celowi istnienia służby cywilnej określonemu w Konstytucji jako zapewnienie zawodowego, rzetelnego, bezstronnego i politycznie neutralnego wykonywania zadań państwa. Sprawami z zakresu a.rz., w ujęciu przedmiotowym (funkcjonalnym), są sprawy należące do zakresu działania terenowych organów a.rz., jak również sprawy ustawowo przekazane, jako → [ zadania zlecone] z zakresu a.rz., organom → [ąd_terytorialny samorządu terytorialnego]. Organy samorządu na ustawowo określonych zasadach i w ustawowym trybie mogą na mocy porozumienia przejąć od właściwych terenowych organów a.rz. określone zadania z zakresu a.rz. (→ [ zadania powierzone]) [ [ H. Izdebski] ].
Tłumaczenie'''GOVERNMENT ADMINISTRATION''' – term used since the period of the second Polish Republic (with the exception of the years 1950 – 1990) with reference to the basic part of the state administration (understood, in the context of a broader concept of → [ public administration], as the centralised public authority apparatus), which is led by the Council of Ministers, and the head of its employees is the President of the Council of Ministers. G.a. is  divided into central (→ [ central administration]) and territorial. In terms of the subjective approach the bodies of the central g.a. are: the Council of Ministers, Ministers leading specific government administration departments (these departments, as task and competence groups are specified in the g.a. department act; at present there are 32 departments: from public administration to inland waterway transport; → [ł_administracji_rządowej government administration departments]) and central offices leaders, who are directly subordinate to the President of the Council of Ministers or the Minister managing the relevant g.a. department, or supervised by them. Territorial g.a.  is divided into joint and non-joint. In the voivodship the head of the joint g.a. and at the same time its body is the voivode, who in the Polish Constitution is depicted as the representative of the Council of Ministers in the voivodship. The position of the voivode is described precisely in act on voivodes and g.a. in voivodships. In particular the following bodies are part of the joint g.a.: regional school superintendent, the Voivodship Conservator and heads of voivodship service units, inspection and guards (police, fire service and inspections, such as sanitary, veterinary or construction supervision) – some of these services, inspection and guards at the county level (police, fire service, sanitary inspection, inspection of construction supervision), while remaining part of the g.a., as district services, inspections and  guards are subordinate to the starost as statutorily specified. In principle, in the voivodship the bodies of the joint g.a. do not have their own apparatus (offices) and are supported by the voivodship office, which serves the voivode. The non-joint g.a. is comprised of the territorial g.a. bodies subordinate to the relevant minister or g.a. central body, and legal public entity managers and leaders of other public organisational units performing g.a. tasks in the voivodship. These are, for example, the directors of tax chambers along with heads of tax and customs offices, mining authorities, statistical office directors, and regional directors of environmental protection offices. The central and territorial g.a. offices are staffed by members of the → [łużba_cywilna civil service], headed by the President of the Council of Ministers. The current wording of the civil service act, established since 2015, due to the special status of persons holding high positions in the service does not fully meet the objective existence of the civil service as defined in the Constitution, as the professional, honest, impartial and politically neutral execution of state tasks. In terms of the objective (functional) approach, the scope of g.a. matters includes matters lying within the scope of territorial g.a. bodies, as well as matters statutorily passed as → [ tasks assigned] to bodies→ [ąd_terytorialny local government]. Local government bodies, in compliance with principles of law, can take over from g.a. territorial bodies specific tasks (→ [ entrusted tasks]) [ [ H. Izdebski] ].

GOVERNMENT ADMINISTRATION – term used since the period of the second Polish Republic (with the exception of the years 1950 – 1990) with reference to the basic part of the state administration (understood, in the context of a broader concept of → public administration, as the centralised public authority apparatus), which is led by the Council of Ministers, and the head of its employees is the President of the Council of Ministers. G.a. is divided into central (→ central administration) and territorial. In terms of the subjective approach the bodies of the central g.a. are: the Council of Ministers, Ministers leading specific government administration departments (these departments, as task and competence groups are specified in the g.a. department act; at present there are 32 departments: from public administration to inland waterway transport; → government administration departments) and central offices leaders, who are directly subordinate to the President of the Council of Ministers or the Minister managing the relevant g.a. department, or supervised by them. Territorial g.a. is divided into joint and non-joint. In the voivodship the head of the joint g.a. and at the same time its body is the voivode, who in the Polish Constitution is depicted as the representative of the Council of Ministers in the voivodship. The position of the voivode is described precisely in act on voivodes and g.a. in voivodships. In particular the following bodies are part of the joint g.a.: regional school superintendent, the Voivodship Conservator and heads of voivodship service units, inspection and guards (police, fire service and inspections, such as sanitary, veterinary or construction supervision) – some of these services, inspection and guards at the county level (police, fire service, sanitary inspection, inspection of construction supervision), while remaining part of the g.a., as district services, inspections and guards are subordinate to the starost as statutorily specified. In principle, in the voivodship the bodies of the joint g.a. do not have their own apparatus (offices) and are supported by the voivodship office, which serves the voivode. The non-joint g.a. is comprised of the territorial g.a. bodies subordinate to the relevant minister or g.a. central body, and legal public entity managers and leaders of other public organisational units performing g.a. tasks in the voivodship. These are, for example, the directors of tax chambers along with heads of tax and customs offices, mining authorities, statistical office directors, and regional directors of environmental protection offices. The central and territorial g.a. offices are staffed by members of the → civil service, headed by the President of the Council of Ministers. The current wording of the civil service act, established since 2015, due to the special status of persons holding high positions in the service does not fully meet the objective existence of the civil service as defined in the Constitution, as the professional, honest, impartial and politically neutral execution of state tasks. In terms of the objective (functional) approach, the scope of g.a. matters includes matters lying within the scope of territorial g.a. bodies, as well as matters statutorily passed as → tasks assigned to bodies→ local government. Local government bodies, in compliance with principles of law, can take over from g.a. territorial bodies specific tasks (→ entrusted tasks) [ H. Izdebski ].
