National Bureau for Drug Prevention

Z Encyklopedia Administracji Publicznej

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NATIONAL BUREAU FOR DRUG PREVENTION (NBDP) – public institution acting within the scope of drug prevention. It executes its goals in the following areas: 1. prevention – establishing standards and assessment of application of preventive programmes in terms of their effectiveness; 2. treatment, rehabilitation, reducing health damage and reintegration of persons affected by drug addiction; 3. limiting of supply of drugs, intoxicating substances, psychotropic substances and substitutes; 4. international cooperation with the UN, WHO and with the EU: HDG and EMCDDA; 5. conducting research, preparing reports and analyses regarding drug addiction; 6. initiating drafts of legal acts aimed at counteracting drug addiction; 7. providing substantial assistance to institutions, outposts and persons dealing with issues of drug addiction. NBDP is responsible for implementing and coordinating the national policy for drug prevention directed at limiting the use of intoxicating and psychotropic substances, preparing, coordinating and monitoring of implementation of the → National Program on Counteracting Drug Addiction and preparing annual reports on its implementation. NBDP, within its tasks, implements the national and international projects on, among others, selective prevention for kids and teenagers using drugs, support programmes for families of persons vulnerable to drug addiction and those using drugs, reducing risks of health damage among occasional drug users. NBDP entrusts and supports executing public tasks together with granting funds for their financing [ A. Bejma ].

Literature: M.D. Głowacka, J. Zdanowska, Zdrowie publiczne w Polsce, Warszawa 2013.
