Commune economy

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Inne języki:
English • ‎polski

COMMUNE ECONOMY – in general it is definition of activities in the social and economic sphere, which enable achieving local government’s development by using local development’s factors. It is the process, in which local authorities are stimulating economic growth of particular territorial unit by their own resources utilization, utilization of local society members’ resources and utilization of external partners’ resources (capital). In the functional sense of commune economy it is highlighted that the aim of commune economy it is social and economic growth which wants mostly to emerge as: continuing improvement of quality of life, inflow of new and stable investments and growth of local inhabitants creativity mainly in economic, technological, environmental, spatial, spatial and cultural innovations. The development effect is the adjustment of commune economy to civilization standards, which are functioning in its surrounding and simultaneously maintaining and respecting their own local specifics, so called economic-spatial identity (→ local community; commune; local development) [M. Balcerek-Kosiarz]

Literature: E. Farelnik, W. Wierzbicka, Miejska gospodarka lokalna w ujęciu holistycznym, [w:] Gospodarka lokalna w teorii i praktyce, red. R. Brol, A. Sztando, A. Raszkowski, Prace Naukowe Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu, 2014, nr 332 ■ J.J. Parysek, Rola samorządu terytorialnego w rozwoju lokalnym, [w:] Rozwój lokalny: zagospodarowanie przestrzenne i nisze atrakcyjności gospodarczej, red. J.J. Parysek, Poznań 1995.
