Municipality council

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MUNICIPALITY COUNCIL – a decision-making and control body of a municipality, elected in local-government electons that are the universal, equal, and direct, and conducted by secret ballot. The term of office of the m.c. lasts four years commencing on the election day. It is a body with general competence, empowered to undertake and carry out all matters reserved for the scope of action of the municipality (mun.). The exclusive competences of mun.c. include: passing the mun. statute, mun. budget and accepting reports of financial activities of the m. and granting the vote of acceptance in this regard, the adoption of local spatial development plans, economic programs; determining the remuneration of the village mayor/mayor/president of the city, drafting the directions of his activity and receiving reports on his activities, appointment and removal of the secretary of the mun.; determining the scope of operation of the → mun. auxiliary units and the rules of transferring of assets; adopting resolutions on local taxes and charges within the limits of statutory regulations; taking over government administration tasks; cooperating with other local-government units and dispensing assets for this purpose. The competences of the mun. council also include the adoption of resolutions in the following matters: municipality’s coat of arms, names of streets and public squares, and erection of monuments, rules of granting scholarships to pupils and students; municipality’s assets exceeding the scope of a simple management and relating to real estate, bonds, borrowings, investments and repairs, joining companies and cooperatives, shares and stocks of enterprises and institutions, the amount of liabilities incurred; cooperation with local and regional communities from other countries and joining international associations of local and regional communities. The mun.c. is entitled to decide on the issue of honorary mun. citizenship and other matters reserved by statutory regulation to the exclusive competence of the mun.c. The council’s work is led by the chairman elected from among its councillors, with the help of deputies (from one to three). Meetings of the mun.c. are convened by the chairman on his own initiative, at least once a quarter. Extraordinary meetings may be requested by the village mayor/mayor/president of the city or by a group of at least 1/4 of the statutory council members. The municipality council is composed of councillors who work in plenary council meetings and in committees (→ decision-making and control body of local government) [ J. Wojnicki ].

Literature: E. Nowacka, Władza samorządu lokalnego, Warszawa 2012 ■ A.K. Piasecki, Samorząd terytorialny i wspólnoty lokalne, Warszawa 2009 ■ E. Zieliński, Administracja rządowa i samorządowa w Polsce, Warszawa 2013.
